FLIMO stands for FLobot Inventory MOdule. It is standalone stock control software especially designed to manage your warehouse and especially designed for carpets and flooring companies. If you need to account for cuts of carpet being removed from rolls of carpet or for that matter artificial grass, FLIMO will help. Of course, it also deals very nicely with underlay and other minimum-level stock items, accessories and boxes of wood and LVT.
Especially designed to deal with rolls, cuts from rolls and remnants of carpet and grass.
From aggregate to underlays. FLIMO understands minimum stock items and sends you an alert when you are low.
Boxes of Amtico, wood and other items can be easily accounted for.
Instantly see all your inventory, where it is and how much it is valued at.
FLIMO is specifically geared up for the flooring industry and as artificial grass is pretty much outdoor flooring, it's a neat fit. FLIMO provides well thought out solutions to long standing problems. Our first-hand experience in dealing with flooring & carpets means FLIMO understands what to do with special cuts, remnants, roll ends, delivery scheduling, invoice management, barcode and QR scanning.
So, this is how it works.
Remember this is a stand-alone Inventory product but it can work with other CRMs and of course Flobot. But let's say you are just using FLIMO on it's own.
Let's use an example of ordering a cut of Cormar carpet Apollo Plus as everyone knows this product. So we place the order with Cormar over the telephone. They then send us a delivery receipt.
First thing we do is enter this information in FLIMO. So, the Supplier, Manufacturer, Product, Colour, Size, Order Number from Supplier, your Customer Number or Name, Delivery Date and we can also upload the actual document.
We now have absolutely everything we need to know about this order. So if it doesn't arrive - FLIMO will tell us.
The item is delivered to the warehouse or the shop.
Check the FLIMO or mobile FLIMO to make sure the right carpet has arrived. If so, print a QR code label and attach it to the item, scan it and it tells the FLIMO the item (in this case our cut of Cormar) has arrived.
Select a location in the warehouse, for example a rack, that you want to store it in and scan it. FLIMO now knows where the item is.
By the way you can use a mobile phone and the FLIMO app to do this - you won't need a fancy bar code reader (but you can have one if you want).
Of course, it may turn out that the carpet is defective or maybe not the right colour or even the right size, who knows? These things happen in flooring.
In that case you need to make sure it goes back quickly so you can get it swapped or maybe a refund. FLIMO allows you to upload pictures into the app to show any damage or maybe take a picture of the label to show it isn't the right size.
All useful information and evidence when it comes to battling with the supplier.
Now just book a returns ticket, book it into the correct location so it can be found for a quick return.
When the time comes for the carpet to go to it's final destination and be fitted we just reverse the process. Scan it out and it updates the system to say that like Elvis, it has left the building and been dispatched.
Furthermore, it records every single transaction in the log. Who did it, when they did it and where they did it. You will have to determine why they did it, it it ever comes to that though.
Hopefully, this is now the end of the journey through the FLIMO Stock Control System for our cut of Cormar carpet. We have received it, labelled it, scanned it, stored it, retrieved it and dispatched it.
And just as importantly we have tracked it and logged it every step of the way.
Roll stock is pretty unique to artificial grass and carpets. A lot of these products come on 4m and 5m wide rolls. Every time you cut something off a roll you create what's called a child and a parent. Two labels are now printed and the size of the diminished parent is accounted for and recorded and the child inherits all the same characteristics of the parent. For example, the batch dye number and where the original delivery was from etc.
Throw out the rusty filing cabinet because the search facility on FLIMO is what you would expect from us (that means it's pretty awesome, by the way).
Those rems will fly out of the warehouse. Search for roll widths and sizes, more than, less than and equal too. Colours, textures, materials, products, manufacturers and suppliers - whatever you need to find the item you want and get it out to a customer as soon as possible. This feature alone will save you bundles.
And then there are levels and alerts. Set a low stock level for the items you always need like underlay, grippers, door bars, screed, adhesive or whatever and when it goes below a certain level FLIMO will send you an email and give you an alert to say you need to get some more.
Which brings us on to the reports. You are going to be able to take control of your stock and inventory with FLIMO. You will know exactly what is in your warehouse or shop in real-time, where it is, its age and its value.
You will also have failsafe and cross-checks. You will be able to determine what dye batch a roll came from when it was received and when it was dispatched to the customer. Complete granularity for every single transaction.
You can even add a camera feed to FLIMO to actually see your products in their location. Very useful if you run a remote warehouse.
How much time, money and waste is all this going to save you?
We think maybe - a lot.
We are happy to provide information and demos on all our software. So get in touch. What are you waiting for?