Getting you up to speed

Flobot is designed to be easy to use and it won't take long to get up to speed. But we know that this is your business and it is precious to you. It might very well be the first integrated CRM or work-flow system that you have ever used. But to make life easier we have set up the Flobot Academy.

We have built a help system with videos inside Flobot, so look out for the video symbol if you get stuck. We have an extensive Flobot support website that has the answer to almost every question and if you still need help by all means send us an email and we'll get back to you within the day. You can even give us a call on +44 (0)20 8059 8141. So, you're never alone. There really is no other software company as easy to get hold of if you need to talk.

Bespoke requirements

If you're a larger business that needs to map existing processes, train a product champion, teach a team of order processors for example or if you have some bespoke requirements then call us on +44 (0)20 8059 8141 and we'll discuss them.

Best practice

We've been working in this industry ourselves for a long time. And we've developed some practices that have allowed us to save money and time. The software has been developed with this in mind. And we're always happy to share this knowledge with you, to enable your company to be just as successful as ours has.

So, if you would like to join us and see how Flobot could transform your business, why not take a free trial, below?

Flobot | Job estimation, scheduling and work-flow software

The Flobot System

Hosted in the cloud and available through a browser on any device, Flobot system allows the user to control every aspect of the day to day running of the field service business. The dashboard gives real-time visibility of the jobs, the customers and the field engineers.

Using this system the user can build and send estimates, issue invoices, receive payments from debit and credit cards, make customer notes, schedule field members for appointments and instantly update clients with the information about their jobs that they need to know.

The Flobot App

The Flobot app is designed to get your field team members, agents, engineers and tradespeople out in the field to the right job and on time.

Navigate to address

Navigate from job to job by utilizing the built in maps function. Send that information to your client and they can see where your guy is on the map with an estimate of the time of arrival - just like Uber.

A flexible field service app

Flobot app sends all the field data back to the office so you can see where all your field members are and what they are doing at any time.

Take notes and photos to build a report

Once your field team member has arrived they can check into the job so the office knows they have started work. You can bill by the hour if you want with the built in timer. But you may just want to complete, create a job sheet and attach some pictures.

Get a customer signature

Attach your 3rd party apps, pdfs, certificates to the job sheet and then get the all important signature for the office so they can bill straight away - or create an invoice in the field.

Get a Flobot demo ( 20 minutes )

Flobot is simple to learn but why not save time? Find out it will work for you with a real-time demo. What are you waiting for?